Euronews cover AEROARMS Prize

The international news media EURONEWS has reported about ICT 2017 Overall Prize, awarded to the AEROARMS inspection technology developed by CATEC last November 9th in Budapest. This report was published too on it´s online web in English version;, Spanish version and other languages.

The report named “FOCUS: New drone technology wins Innovation Radar Prize 2017” shows a video of 4 minutes where explain the purpose of the project and its advantages. Also explained the objective of the award and the criteria whereby this project won. The report describes the characteristics of the project, the benefits for the industrial, and point some comments of Miguel Angel Trujillo (CATEC avionic and systems research engineer), Anibal Ollero (AEROARMS coordinator), Linda Corugedo Steneberg (Director, policy strategy and outreach, DG CNECT), and Teresa Cunha (Innovation Radar Prize member of Jury).

Dissemination of AEROARMS is very favored when is published on professional and global sites news as this, congrats team!.